Saturday, March 23, 2019

New Possibilities

Hey everyone! It's been so long, I don't know where to begin. A lot has changed and I don't think I will be able to remember it all.

First, I've been seeing a reproductive and fertility endocrinologist. She told my neurologist that she was interested in my case because she deals with hormones and I have Catamenial Epilepsy. Therefore, my seizures occur when I am on my menstrual cycle, when my hormones are out of whack. She has been a huge blessing to me and gives me hope! I tried to go on a birth control called LoEstrin, but that caused more seizures. Too much estrogen. After that, she suggested I try three things, so I am currently taking progesterone (I took that a year or so ago, but by itself it caused more seizures), using a patch called Climara and getting a birth control injection once a month that is called Lupron. So far, things have been okay. I still have seizures, but they rarely come in clusters like they used to. I will have a couple but they aren't in a row. I will tell you, that has been nice. I've been on another anti-seizure medication called Acetazolamide. I think it has helped? Then again, I can't exactly tell what is helping anymore, unless it causes more seizures, then I know it is not working.

About a month ago my best friend whom I live with asked me what I would like her to do when I have a seizure. Now, let me explain. Years ago when we met, she asked the same question. I was particularly insecure about my seizures back then and I told her to just ignore me and continue talking and doing what she was doing. The reason why she recently asked me the same question was because she and I know each other so well now, and she wants to be able to help me if she can. I really appreciated her asking me because that made me realize that times have changed, and it's important to let her know how to help if possible. Luckily she can. If I happen to be having a cluster of seizures that won't seem to stop, I have what I call a "seizure stopper". I take it and it generally stops the seizures fairly quickly. I told her where the pills are, and that if I am having the seizures and not getting the pill myself for some reason, to get it for me. Sometimes when I'm having clusters of seizures I can't seem to accomplish what I am doing. In the past I have gotten up to get a pill but then turned around and sat down on my bed instead. Epilepsy is complicated.

I have a job. Not one in a store, no. I learned from that! In November I was lucky enough to get a job working for a family friend at her at-home business. It's perfect for me, I can work my own hours and since she knows me, she knows my situation. I really enjoy the work I do and I am honestly so grateful to have a source of income. I don't know what I would do without it. I'm lucky enough to have supportive parents who help me with money when I need it, but having any income to me is better than none. It gives independence in a world that prevents that from me.