Uhm. So it's been forever. Seriously. Forever. I guess I could say a lot has happened. Nothing big, but still.
Life is mostly the same. No job. No license. The Epilepsy is still here and it's not going anywhere. It's kind-of one big circle of repetition.
I've been pretty down lately. There's a lot of factors that go into that and I bet you can guess one of them. That's right: Epilepsy. It doesn't help that I have anxiety and depression to go along with that. I've been so exhausted from life.
I calculated how many miligrams of medication I take a day and it disturbs me. I've done it before, but because I've had two more medications added to the three I already had, I figured it out again. So, after adding up all of my medications, I now take 5,050 mg. of medications a day. That does not include supplements.
In the morning I take Keppra XR and Zoloft and at night I take Oxtellar XR, Lamictal XR, and Trazodone. The Zoloft is for depression and anxiety, and the Trazedone is for insomnia. The supplements I take are: Fish Oil, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Magnisium, Vitamin K, and Folic Acid. The Folic Acid is especially important for me because the anti-convulsant medications I take drain the Folic Acid out of my body. Therefore, I must put it back in. Honestly, I get quite frustrated from having to put all of these medications inside my body.
On the side of taking my main medications and supplements, I also have Lorazepam which I take when I have seizure clusters. I always swipe my VNS magnet, but if I happen to have the Lorazepam, I take that also. Along with that, I occasionally take Zofran. It is for when I have nausea. I don't take that one too often.
I don't actually know what this post is supposed to be about. Maybe it's just a ramble post. I'm sure it won't make sense to me once I am well-rested again.